VL Probi-Zyme
VL Probi-Zyme
Versele Laga Oropharma Probi-Zyme is a combination of probiotics and digestive enzymes. This dietary supplement promotes the crop and intestinal flora increases good intestinal flora ensures a better digestion of the food and gets the intestinal and crop flora of one day old chicks started. Probi-Zyme contains probiotics.
Probi-Zyme is one of the few products in which the concentration of good bacteria is guaranteed.
Gut flora stabilizers
Bacillus subtilis C-3102 2 x 10.11 CFU/kg
E1606 - Endo-14-?-xylanase (EC 300 EPU/kg Cellulase Hemicellulase Alpha-amylase & Protease
Calcium carbonate Wheat meal Gut flora stabilizers & Enzymes