Frickers Formula Condition & Show Mix
Frickers Formula Condition & Show Mix
Frickers Formula Conditioning & Showing Mix. Designed to be fed on its own our high oil Conditioning and Show Mix is low in protein and is suitable for all horses and ponies
The mix contains chopped straw to slow the passage through the hindgut which makes Frickers Formula Conditioning and Show Mix highly digestible giving a super shiny coat with no need to add extra oils
A complementary feedstuff designed to be fed in conjunction with forage up to 60% of the total dietary dry matter intake. A stand alone product which saves you money!
NB Conditioning and Show Mix is not a substitute for bulk roughage such as hay or haylage which should always be readily available
Digestible Energy 12MJ/KG
Oil 5%
Protein 11.5%
Fibre 12%
Ash 7.75%